Capture the Flag


We played capture of the Flag, so it was Room 9 vs room 10. It was unfair because room 9 had more people in it. So we lost. Room 9 won and in the first round we  protected the ball and so people got the other ball so people got tagged and we got 1 so we did two rounds for capture the flag. So we did 1 and 2 teams so be fair .


The End

Maori whanau hui

Yesterday Kaleol and I went to a special dinner. Me and Kaleol’s brother played dodgeball and Emma came and  indee from room 11. me and Kaleol was getting the ball and thowing the ball at Emma. Kaleol made a full court in the gym with a dodgeball Ball and the


 food was fish and chips but just chips and Domino’s. the chips was so good. we eat in the staff room and the pizza me Mateo Emma Kaleol went to the  Senior playground.We play someone made this game up called monkey tag and busted.  Emma and Indee teamed up on me in monkey tag.